Dean Preble Memorial Award

About Dean Preble 

This award is given in memory of our colleague Dean Preble, who passed away from cancer in the fall of 1998. Dean was recognized for his unfailing support for mathematics education in the state of Montana. His dedication to the mathematics teaching profession, his love of his students, his involvement in state and national mathematics organizations, and his devotion to the improvement of mathematics education for all were unparalleled.

One of Dean's wishes was to establish an annual award to recognize outstanding teachers and leaders of mathematics in Montana. In keeping with his wish, MCTM created the Dean Preble Memorial Award. The award consists of an inscribed plaque, a $1000 stipend, and a lifetime membership in MCTM. The memorial award is presented at the MCTM annual meeting in October.

About the Dean Preble Memorial Award

Award Criteria

Nomination Procedure

Nominations for the Dean Preble Award must adhere to the following criteria:

Note: Nominations are kept on file and re-evaluated for three years following submission. There

is no need to resubmit an unsuccessful nomination during that time period.

The Deadline for submissions for the Dean Preble Memorial Award is June 30

Nominations may be mailed or e-mailed (preferred) to:

Cliff Bara

Box 610

Troy - MT - 59935

Dean Preble Award Winners