MCTM Math Contest

MCTM Math Contest


The registration fee is $4.00 per participant.

All schools must register online. Schools should watch for further information about registering from their local site director. Schools are not allowed to have students register for two different regions. If a school has students participate in two different regions, all students from that school may be disqualified for scholarship awards. 

The deadline for contest fees will not be a postmark deadline but a "received by" deadline. Please get your check to the site director early to ensure your participants are registered for the contest. 

Please register your students by the grade level they'd like to compete. All 7th - 10th-grade students must be registered at their current grade level or higher (Ex, a 9th-grade student cannot register as an 8th-grade student).  If Suzie Q is a 7th-grade student and wants to take the 9th-grade tests, then register her as a 9th-grade student. All 11th and 12th-grade students must register at their current grade level! SENIORS competing for the scholarship must register for the 12B tests. An 11th-grade student can take the same tests by registering for 11B. Only high school seniors can register for 12B.

All students registering at a particular grade level will take the same tests (see topics below). 

Some regional sites will offer a team test. Sites that offer team tests will group their teams as 7-8, 9-10, and 11-12. 

Calculators are allowed on all tests. Symbolic manipulator calculators are allowed on all tests.

Test Guidelines

Each participant must take three tests (the team test is optional by site.) 

7th Grade Student - Foundation, Number Concepts and Potluck 

8th Grade Student - Number Concepts, Potluck, and Dimensions and Shapes 

9th Grade Student - Dimensions and Shapes, Problem Solving and Applied Math Test 

10th Grade Student - Problem Solving, Applied Math Test, and Intermediate Math Test 

11th and 12th Grade Students have a choice of two sets of tests

11A and 12A - Intermediate Math Test, Finite Math Test and Advanced Math Test 

11B and 12B* - Finite Math Test, Senior Test, Scholarship Math Test 

*To be eligible for the scholarship, a participant must be a 12th-grade student and participate in the three tests in Set B. 


Test Topics

Suggested test topics may include but are not limited to the following:

Foundations Test Topics - Basic expressions and equations, coordinate graphing, operations with rational numbers, number theory, and real-life application of mathematical concepts 

Number Concepts Topics - Percent, ratio, proportion, numeracy, number patterns, basic statistics 

Pot Luck Topics - Similarity, numeracy, coordinate geometry, integer applications, patterns, fractions. formulas, probability, graph interpretation, solving two-step algebraic equations 

Dimensions and Shapes Topics - Perimeter, area, volume, applications, unit analysis, Pythagorean theorem 

Problem Solving Topics - Data analysis, linear functions, scientific notation, exponential growth, patterns, deductive reasoning, matrix operations, variation 

Applied Math Topics - Percent, area, volume, probability, price computations, geometry, functions, distance, midpoint, angles, parallel lines, perpendicular lines 

Intermediate Math Topics - Variation, inequalities, dimensional analysis, linear and quadratic expressions and equations, statistics, linear algebra, patterns 

Advanced Math Topics - Statistics, matrices, logarithms, geometry, exponentials, variation, trigonometry, volume, surface area, special right triangles 

*Senior Test Topics - Complex numbers, conic sections, patterns, step and polynomial functions, vectors, parametric equations, limits, optimization problems 

*Finite Test Topics - Linear programming, systems of equations, combinations, and permutations, data analysis, probability, statistics, graph theory, matrix applications, series and sequences, regression, correlation 

*Scholarship Test Topics - Conic sections, linear programming, combinations and permutations, graph theory, sequences and series, limits, parametric equations, optimization problems, derivatives, integrals 

Some sites will offer Team Tests: 

7-8 Team Topics - Selected from topics on Seventh, PotLuck, Number concepts, Dimensions, and Shapes 

9-10 Team Topics - Selected from topics on Dimensions and Shapes, Problem Solving, Applied Math, and Intermediate Math 

11-12 Team Topics - Selected from topics on Intermediate Math, Advanced Math, Finite and Senior 

Scholarships and Awards

Awards will include certificates for all participants, superior ratings for the top 15%, and honorable mentions for the next 20%. Individual results are forwarded to the state level, and state awards are also given.  

Scholarships are decided by adding the raw scores of the Senior, Scholarship, and Finite tests. If a tie exists, the Scholarship Test score will be used as the first tiebreaker, and the Senior Test score will be used as the second, if necessary.

MCTM Math Excellence Student Scholarships: For each region, MCTM will award $500 and $300 to the top two senior scorers taking the three scholarship round tests. If a region has more than 50 senior participants that take the three scholarship round tests, $200 will be awarded to the third highest score. In addition, MCTM will award $1000 and $750 to the top two seniors taking the scholarship round tests in the state.  To qualify, the student must take all three tests: Senior, Finite, and Scholarship. All coaches must realize that a student will only be eligible for a scholarship if they take these three tests. *** A student is only eligible for a scholarship if they participate in the official school contest region (where their school is registered). If a school has students participating at more than one site, all of their students from that school may be disqualified for the senior scholarships.