Dean Preble

Previous Recipients

2024 - Jennifer Brackney

Every year, the Montana Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) recognizes the significant contributions made by one of its members through the Dean Preble Memorial Award.  The award is named in honor of Dean Preble who made significant contributions to the council before passing away from cancer in the fall of 1998.  This year the award was given to Jennifer Brackney at the annual general meeting and luncheon held at the Montana Federation of Professional Employees (MFPE) Educators’ Conference in Bozeman, MT on October 17, 2024.

2023 - Kerry Gruizenga

Every year, the Montana Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) recognizes the significant contributions made by one of its members by awarding the Dean Preble Memorial Award.  The award is named in honor of Dean Preble who made significant contributions to the council before passing away from cancer in the fall of 1998.  This year the award was given to Kerry Gruizenga at the annual general meeting and luncheon held at the Montana Federation of Professional Employees (MFPE) Educators’ Conference in Billings, MT on October 19, 2023. 

Kerry has taught mathematics at Skyview High School for 16 years.  Over her career, she has taught nearly every course offered to students at this large AA high school, including Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Geometry Recovery, AP Statistics, Dual-Credit College Algebra and Dual-Credit College Trigonometry.  Kerry demonstrated a willingness to lead in her efforts to initiate dual-credit courses at Skyview – making it possible for students to earn college credit while taking her high school courses.  Kerry’s commitment to her students extends beyond the confines of her classroom.  She currently supervises the National Honor Society at Skyview.  She has also served as the Speech and Debate coach.  She has assisted with many dramatic plays at the school, most recently as the director.  Kerry herself is an accomplished actor, a veteran of many plays with the Billings Studio Theater and the Nova Center for Performing Arts.  Her support of students’ extra-curricular activities involves long hours after school and on weekends – a demonstration of her deep well of generosity and enthusiasm.  Her work in this area encourages her students’ passions for the expressive arts – balancing nicely her work in the classroom where she also enthusiastically encourages their passionate pursuit of mathematical knowledge. 

Kerry’s commitment to excellence in the teaching and learning of mathematics extends well beyond her work at Skyview.  In 2015, Kerry was awarded the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) – the highest honor bestowed by the US government in science, technology, engineering and math teaching.  Kerry also is a National Board Certified teacher, the most respected professional certification available in education.   Kerry has been heavily involved in the Montana Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM).  Kerry served as the MFPE Conference Chairwoman from 2009-2012.  She is a regular contributor to the conference.  In 2019 Kerry was elected to the MCTM board of directors.  As a member of this working board, Kerry, perhaps more than anyone in recent times, took very seriously the work of the council.  She served on the scholarship committee.  She served as co-chair of the MCubed committee.  After her 3-year term ended, Kerry volunteered to become the new statewide Coordinator of the MCTM State Math Contest – an enormous responsibility where she oversees the writing, proofing and administration of the contest for some 4000 students in a dozen locations around the state.

The Prebble Award recognizes teachers that demonstrate a consistent and significant level of contribution to mathematics teaching and learning and, at the same time, make significant professional contributions outside of the classroom – these criteria are all well represented in the record of Kerry Gruizenga.  Thank you, Kerry, for your strong commitment to Montana mathematics and congratulations on your well-earned award. 

2022 - Hilary Risser

Every year, the Montana Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) recognizes the significant contributions made by one of its members through the Dean Preble Memorial Award.  The award is named in honor of Dean Preble who made significant contributions to the council before passing away from cancer in the fall of 1998.  This year the award was given to Hilary Risser at the annual general meeting and luncheon held at the Montana Federation of Professional Employees (MFPE) Educators’ Conference in Helena, MT on October 20, 2022.

Hilary Risser joined the faculty at Montana Technological University in 2008.  As a member of the department, she regularly teaches a wide variety of mathematics courses ranging from Calculus to Modern Geometry to History of Mathematics to Numerical Computing for Engineering and Science. She is the only faculty member at Montana Tech with a research interest in mathematics education, making her an essential member of a department that educates many of Montana’s future mathematics teachers.  Her research interests include the use of technology in the teaching of mathematics, teacher online social networks, mentoring, and the use of technology in professional development.  She has a strong record of collaboration, working with over 20 different mathematics education researchers from around the world.  Her work is published in many research outlets including well-known journals, book chapters, and compendiums.  She shares the results of her work publically in presentations and talks given around the state of Montana as well as at national and international conferences.  She currently serves as the chair of the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Montana Tech.

Shortly after joining the faculty at Montana Tech, Hilary joined MCTM.  In 2012, Hilary won the election to the board of directors.  In 2016 she was elected President of the council. During her tenure as a board member and president, she made significant contributions.  She organized new Professional Development Academies (PDAs) that introduced the Common Core Mathematical Practices to teachers across the state over several years. She was instrumental in starting the Montana Math Meet (MCubed) which is now held every summer in Butte on the Montana Tech campus.  Hilary’s leadership also brought the council into the 21st Century (maybe a little late) by instituting the use of digital communication tools and cloud-based file repositories.  She replaced the bi-annual newsletter with the MCTM Blog, enabling timelier communication.  Her efforts supporting the work of the council continues.  She serves as the MCTM Regional Math Contest director for Butte and she serves on the MCubed committee.

Hilary’s record makes it clear that she has made strong contributions to the teaching-and-learning of mathematics in Montana.  Further, she has a strong record as an active and influential member of the Montana Council of Teachers of Mathematics.  We are happy to award her the highest honor of our council, the Dean Prebble Award; we can think of no one more deserving of this honor.

2021 - Marie McBride Vanisko

The Montana Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) is proud to announce Marie McBride Vanisko, as the 2021 recipient of the Dean Preble Memorial Award.

The Dean Preble Memorial is MCTM’s most prestigious recognition and is awarded annually to a Montana educator who has made significant lifetime contributions to the teaching and learning of mathematics statewide. Preble awardees are those that have consistently assumed a leadership role among math educators. Teacher-leaders at all levels, kindergarten through university, are eligible.

This award is given in memory of longtime MCTM member Dean Preble of Forsyth, who passed away from cancer in the fall of 1998. Dean was recognized for his unfailing support for mathematics education in the state of Montana. His dedication to the mathematics teaching profession, his love of his students, his involvement in state and national mathematics organizations, and his devotion to the improvement of mathematics education for all were unparalleled.

The MCTM selection committee is honored to recognize Ms. Marie McBride Vanisko both for her leadership role in math education and for her commitment to the best possible math instruction. MCTM has given $300 to the Carroll College Al Murray Scholarship Fund in Marie's honor.

Ms. Marie McBride Vanisko dedicated her life to mathematics education and would be a notable and honorable posthumous selection for the Dean Preble Award from the Montana Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM). Marie earned her BA in mathematics (Maxima Cum Laude) in 1967 from Carroll College and her MA in mathematics in 1967 from the University of Montana.  She also held Montana Secondary Teaching Certificates in Mathematics and Physics, successfully took the National Teachers Examination, and completed the first 6 actuarial examinations.

From 1967 to 2002, Marie worked at Carroll College and rose to Full Professor in the Mathematics Department.  Additionally, she worked as a visiting professor and lecturer at the United States Military Academy at West Point and at California State University--Stanislaus from 2002 to 2007 before returning to Carroll College until she retired in 2013 in Helena, Montana.

Marie had a major role in grants for the MCTM starting in 1985 and continuing for over 15 years.  She was both a contributor and Grant Fiscal Officer for the following MCTM grants:

Each listed grant allowed MCTM to play a major role in the mathematics education of Montana teachers.  IMPACT, a curriculum writing project involving middle school and secondary teachers and the use of technology, led to Marie’s influence for change in the Carroll math department where she led in the use of technology and truly changed the program affecting secondary teachers.  EMME, a program for elementary teachers involved the Council, The University of Montana, and Montana State University, produced Board members and Presidents for the Council for literally decades. Finally, Marie was a primary leader in the SIMMS Project handling finances for the university awards and the Council, negotiating the non-profit status of the Council, and keeping the financial records accurate for both universities’ financial officers.  On the SIMMS Steering Committee, she was a source of wisdom. All MCTM members owe her a debt of gratitude for that incredible work.

Marie received many awards and honors, one of the last being the 2015 Doug Faires’ Award for contributions to COMAP’s HiMCM and MCM for her lifetime of support of the high school and college-level national and international mathematics contests for modeling applications to solve real-life problems.  She not only sponsored and aided award-winning teams of students but also brought national leaders on mathematics modeling to Montana to help teachers across the state get involved. In a 2017 conversation with a former West Point professor, she was praised for her work in this area.

Marie’s impressive dedication was given to colleagues, students, and the education community.  She gave time and energy to spread her enthusiasm for mathematics education, to work for the advancement and leadership of Montana mathematics in the nation, and to support national efforts at improvement in teaching and learning. We strongly support Marie McBride Vanisko for a posthumous 2018 Dean Preble Award for her lifetime of mathematics achievements in Montana and beyond.

2020 - Linda Horst

The Montana Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) is proud to announce Linda Horst, as the 2020 recipient of the Dean Preble Memorial Award. Mrs. Horst received his award at the MCTM annual meeting via Zoom Thursday, October 15. Linda was nominated for this award by Jordan Graves formerly of Reed Point School.

The Dean Preble Memorial is MCTM’s most prestigious recognition and is awarded annually to a Montana educator who has made significant lifetime contributions to the teaching and learning of mathematics statewide. Preble awardees are those that have consistently assumed a leadership role among math educators. Teacher-leaders at all levels, kindergarten through university, are eligible.

This award is given in memory of longtime MCTM member Dean Preble of Forsyth, who passed away from cancer in the fall of 1998. Dean was recognized for his unfailing support for mathematics education in the state of Montana. His dedication to the mathematics teaching profession, his love of his students, his involvement in state and national mathematics organizations, and his devotion to the improvement of mathematics education for all were unparalleled.

The MCTM selection committee is honored to recognize Mrs. Horst both for her leadership role in math education and for her commitment the best possible math instruction.

2019 - Fred Longhart

The Montana Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) is proud to announce Fred Longhart, Flathead Valley Community College (FVCC) mathematics instructor, as 2019 recipient of the Dean Preble Memorial Award. Mr. Longhart will receive his award at the MCTM annual meeting in Belgrade on Friday October 18 in association with the Montana Federation of Public Employees statewide teacher convention. Fred was nominated for this award by Don Hickethier of FVCC.

The Dean Preble Memorial is MCTM’s most prestigious recognition and is awarded annually to a Montana educator who has made significant lifetime contributions to the teaching and learning of mathematics statewide. Preble awardees are those that have consistently assumed a leadership role among math educators. Teacher-leaders at all levels, kindergarten through university, are eligible.

This award is given in memory of longtime MCTM member Dean Preble of Forsyth, who passed away from cancer in the fall of 1998. Dean was recognized for his unfailing support for mathematics education in the state of Montana. His dedication to the mathematics teaching profession, his love of his students, his involvement in state and national mathematics organizations, and his devotion to the improvement of mathematics education for all were unparalleled.

Mr. Longhart is recognized for a long and distinguished career as a mathematics educator both at FVCC and Flathead High School in Kalispell.  During his time at Flathead High Fred was known for his commitment to incorporating technology, particularly graphing calculators, in the teaching and learning of mathematics. He was a longtime instructor for Texas Instruments and travelled countrywide presenting workshops on best practices in the teaching of mathematics and the use of technology. Mr. Longhart was also very active as a leader in MCTM serving on the Board of Directors and as President of the organization. In 1995 Mr. Longhart travelled to Washington DC to receive the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. This award, presented by the White House, is the nation’s highest honor for K-12 math teachers.

The MCTM selection committee is honored to recognize Mr. Longhart both for his leadership role in math education and for his commitment to providing thousands of students the best possible math instruction.

Dean Preble Award Winners